Invited to the Fernet-Branca Foundation (France) to encourage dialogue with films by Andrei Tarkovsky, photographer Anne Immelé chose to exhibit, alongside the sculptor Pierre-Yves Freund and the visual artist Dove Allouche, works in which the field of energy resonates deeply with the great Russian filmmaker’s metaphysical questioning, particularly the place of mankind in the life cycle, his threat to nature, suffering and beauty as ontological tools. Time here is very tangible through trees, faces and rocks, as if each object in the world were miraculously poised between vulnerability and the power of appearance. Anne Immelé is particularly interested extensive time spans and the transitional, internal exile and what intricately binds human beings and landscape
Anne Immelé’s photographs examine the myriad of dimensions to our relationship with the territory: geographical, human and social, as well as memorial and poetic. It’s through editing and hanging that her images enter into dialogue with each other, creating a ground for confrontation. Anne Immelé experiments with comparisons simultaneously showing faces and views of places laden with our individual and/or collective memories. By this means, she re-examines living together and sharing a common experience.